
The finest sushi and sashimi in Yangon can be found at Chatrium. So, get together with all your Japanese cuisine-loving friends and get ready for a taste sensation like no other.

USD 49 net per adult for 2 hours, including a bottle of White Wine (or) 4 glasses of Jim Beam Highball (or) 6 glasses of Beer for 2 hours

USD 29 net per child under 12 years old, including free-flow soft drinks and juices for 2 hours

Available every day from 12 pm to 7 pm at Lobby Lounge

For reservations, please call ‪ T: +95 (1) 9 544 500 or E: ‪ fboutletmgr.chry@chatrium.com. 

LINK: http://m.me/ChatriumHotelRoyalLakeYangon