How to Manage Your Data

How to download your Facebook data and delete your App third party account

How to download a copy of all your App or Website Facebook data

Facebook offers to back up your data in the form of an HTML file or another format. That way, you can still access it offline without a Facebook account.

1 – Log into your Facebook account


2 – Locate your Settings


3 – Go to “Your Facebook Information”


4 – In this section, select “View” which is beside “Download Your Information”


5 – Make sure the “Apps and and Websites off of Facebook” box under the “Your Information” section is checked.


6 – Keep the date range at “All of My Data” or change it


7 – Keep the format at HTML or switch to another format


8 – To download all the data, select “Create File”


9 – Wait for the process to complete

How to delete your data by way of a third-party App or website

1 – Log into your Facebook account


2 – Locate your Settings.


3 – Go to “Apps and Websites”


4 – Select the App or website you would like to remove and select “Remove”


5 – Select the “Delete posts, videos or events” checkbox and select “Remove”


6 – As a last step, under “Removed App and Websites” select the App you just removed and “Send Request”. This action will ask the App or third party website to delete info it has about you from Facebook.


To request for account deletion, please email us from the email you signed up with to "", and we will delete your account and all the information we collected.
This process will take up to 14 days after receiving your request.
We will send confirmation to the provided email address once the process is completed.